Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Eagle Has Landed

My parents just touched down in South Africa yesterday after taking off from Salt Lake the previous morning. We are so excited for their adventure to begin and the experiences that they will share with us. Sister Basso said that today they will be in a meeting with Elder Russell M. Nelson who is in the region to dedicate the land of Malawi. I'm so excited for them!

Elder Russell M. Nelson, is a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles such as those that were on the earth at the time of Christ. What is an Apostle? Well, here is just part of who they are... "Apostles are special witnesses of Jesus Christ, called to teach and testify of Him throughout the world. They travel frequently, addressing and encouraging large congregations of members and interested nonmembers, as well as meeting with local leaders." (info from For more information about who he is read more about him here.

Elder Nelson came to our church meeting a couple years ago and I was able to shake his hand. I know that he is an apostle of our Lord, Jesus Christ. What a blessing it is to be alive when a prophet and apostles are on the earth again! - Melia


  1. Joy, I miss you so much. Both you and President Basso are in my prayers daily and I can't wait to hear more about Africa. I want to send you some of our favorite things from our favorite store(Sprouts).I love you,
    Donna Holt

  2. Every time Ethyn is at my house and he says his little prayer over the food, he prays for you both. I love it. Can't wait to read the rest of your new adventures!!

  3. Thanks for sharing that, Kathryn. Ethyn is so sweet to remember us in his prayers.
