Saturday, May 26, 2012

MY CUP RUNNETH OVER . . . (1/3 cup)

A popular expression that intrigues me is, “When life hands you a lemon, squeeze it and make lemonade.” Like many other children, I squeezed lemons from our backyard tree and set up a lemonade stand to peddle our liquid concoctions. My tongue told me that the lemon was sour and not too desirable. However, I learned that if you add a little water and honey (or a spoonful of sugar) the lemon magically transforms into something quite tasty. Adding a few ice cubes converts it to a cooling summer beverage. Over the years I have come to appreciate “stand alone” lemons just because of the value they possess in strengthening, healing and cleansing our bodies. A sweet treat may lend a temporary quick fix but if allowed to lengthen out its stay, would prove of little value beyond momentary satisfaction. The “lemon” days can be appreciated for those same values - strengthening, healing and cleansing - and the lasting lessons they teach. “Sour” days can also help engender empathy, inspire gratitude and teach patience.

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