Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Temple Patron Fund

“Latter-day Saint temples are considered houses of God, a place of holiness and peace separate from the preoccupations of the world. They provide a place where Church members make formal promises and commitments to God. They are also the place where the highest sacraments of the faith occur — the marriage of couples and the “sealing” of families for eternity.

As the population of the Church continues to expand in the world, there are more and more dedicated saints who live in remote and impoverished locales and lack the means to attend a temple even once in their lifetimes. Therefore, the Church has established the General Temple Patron Assistance Fund to provide financial assistance to those who otherwise could not afford the travel expenses associated with attending a temple and participating in the sacred blessings available only in the House of the Lord.
Although the temples now in operation and those under construction will serve an ever-growing Church membership, many of these sacred edifices are still beyond the reach for thousands of faithful Latter-day Saints. Too many still lack the financial resources to attend the temple, even once in their lifetimes. The Temple Patron Assistance Fund is designed to help these individuals and families receive their eternal ordinances and blessings.

Having the means to attend the temple—if only once in a lifetime—brings hope and joy to countless saints. Living prohibitive distances from the nearest temple need not prevent worthy members and families from receiving the eternal blessings of salvation that can be received only in the temple.” - LDS Philanthropies

Please . . . Donate to the Temple Patron Fund

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