Monday, June 4, 2012

MY CUP RUNNETH OVER . . . (2/3 cup)

In the process of preparing a residence for incoming missionaries, a copy of a fascinating missionary journal was discovered that was penned by a valiant servant of the Lord who served here in the early 1900’s.  Johannesburg was a very different place then. 

The missionary’s hardships began from day one as he suffered weeks of uncomfortable travel through rough terrain and across an angry ocean that tossed its sea-going payload to and fro.  He suffered feelings of isolation, loneliness and nausea.  Still, he shared the gospel plan for happiness with all he met.  Once arriving in his field of labor, he endured extreme adversities.  Some of those challenges were, no doubt, typical of his day.  There were no modern conveniences or Internet, of course.  Agonizingly slow “snail mail” inched its way across the 20,000 mile journeys back and forth across the globe.  In spite of the frequent agony of defeat, he pressed forward in the work of the Lord.  He, and others like him who were willing to pay the price of answering the call to serve, pioneered many of the opportunities for blessings that church members here now enjoy.  Sacrifice truly does bring forth the blessings of heaven.  We are now the grateful recipients of their dedicated service.  As I read through the amazing experiences and difficult trials, my own challenging days seem to crack and admit some rays of gratitude and sunshine.  Sometimes our best efforts to feel discouraged are thwarted through the most random and unexpected discoveries of joy.  Gratitude can ruin a perfectly good bad mood.

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